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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Variety is the Spice of Life

From our parents, grandparents, and everyone else we've all heard those sayings that stuck in our head and helped us remember what life was all about. They range from one's we've heard a million times to one's that may be new to us. After a while these meanings sink in and we then find ourselves doing something with this thought that's with us the whole time, but let's dig in deeper.
There are so many sayings out there that one can't possibly go over all of them. So let's just cover one of them for today. How about "variety is the spice of life", ah that's one most everyone has heard. What people mean by this is that life can become more exciting with the more experiences you try. For example, a chef may use different spices and flavors to come up with a great meal. The same can be said for life, it can become great by adding different experiences and ideas to your everyday.
The exact phrase was, "Variety's the spice of life, that gives it all its flavor." William Cowper said this in his poem "The Task, written in 1785. He was just trying to get the point across that diversity makes life interesting.


  1. I liked this one. There has been considerable variety in my life. I have yet to be bored with it.

  2. The picture makes me hungry but yes if you have no variety in your life it becomes dull very quickly.

  3. you have got to have varity in your life then you just freaking plain!
